Can We Change Our Foster Care System?
Radically changing or entirely rethinking the child welfare system. It seems to be the hot topic that many people are talking about right now, as evidenced through this blog, a podcast series , and even entire non-profits (e.g. AliaInnovations and Foster America ) devoted entirely to this topic. Why we need to change our system is obvious at this point and we seem to have reached a broad consensus that our current child welfare system does not work as well as it should for children and families. The stubborn statistics do not seem to budge despite lots of work to change them. We are still graduating far too many kids from the system into poor outcomes with estimates of 25% of former foster youth experiencing homelessness within a year of exiting care and 25% of youth becoming involved in the criminal justice system within two years of exiting care . Disproportionality is a significant issue within our system with, for just one example, Afr...