The Luck Lottery
The Luck Lottery This past weekend, Beth Macy wrote a powerful op-ed in the New York Times, telling the story of an opioid user’s descent into addiction and ultimate death from an overdose. Her words at the end of the story have been ringing in my ears since I read them: “It occurred to me that only in death are those who are addicted seen as victims, as patients who might have been worthy of medical care.” Upon reading these words, my mind immediately turned to how we treat parents in child welfare cases and our inability to see them as victims of trauma, worthy of our care. The National Child Traumatic Stress Network reports that “many birth parents involved with the child welfare system have their own histories of child and/or adult trauma.” I’ve seen this in my own work. Nearly every one of my parent clients was a victim of abuse, spent time in foster care, was adopted, or has mental health challenges. The list could ...